-We did hours of excercise during the day, and smuggled bags of sweets and chinese food into our rooms at night. They so tricked us into going to fat camp..
Wasn't too thrilled about waking up at 6 am on Monday morning, but when I arrived at the bus stop to go to Carlingford Adventure Centre, seeing the other TYs (most of them still half asleep) everyone was getting more excited and ready to leave.
We got into groups when we arrived, and headed straight for a mountain side, to work on team-building by doing lots of challenges. For one of them we all had to crawl into a big metal container and find our way through a maze. It was pitch black, but we all managed to get through to the end. We lost a bet with our leader, Wayne (who had the best accent!), and we had to eat our lunch without using knives or forks, or our hands. Luckily I opted out of having beans for lunch...
Laser tag was the best thing there, I couldn't believe how into it everyone got! :L REDS were the best team, with many victories >.< Everyone was looking forward to getting muddy in the dark at the 'night-line' that night. We ended up following a rope around the forest blindfolded. The blindfolds smelled so bad that nobody wanted to put them near our noses, so we could pretty much see where we were going the whole time.. We then took the long route home in the freezing cold and crawled through a tunnel under an old church.
Back in the adventure centre, happy to be out of the cold, we had a sing-song with the boys school that was there. One of the other leaders, Luke, did a 'fire-twirling' display, which was really good :)
Afterwards in our amazing house with Ms. O'C, we reheated our chinese in the little kitchen and ripped open the endless bags HARIBO STARMIX. Yumm! :D Surprisingly, we did manage to get a couple of hours sleep that night.
There was an unwanted awakening the next morning at 8 am and once again we were up the hill. We walked up the side of a mountain for about two and a half hours, snacking on Haribos :), trying to find an alright tree for Niamh to go behind, running quickly past some scary looking sheep with horns, and trying our very best not to fortune seek and hunt any leprechauns.. cause they have laws against that sort of stuff.. :/
Rock climbing was fun too, although the girls were pulling the rope very tight trying to make me fly -.-
Leaving Carlingford, I thought I would have liked to stay for a bit longer, but I also wondered if I'd be able to hack anymore of that endless hill! Tiredness being the reason it's taken me so long to get round to writing this blog!
Our thoughts had changed quickly on the journey home as we were all awaiting the next big event in our lives - Junior Cert results were coming out! And well done to everyone, all the results were great :) Going out the night we got our results was absolutely amazing! It will be hard to beat.
All in all, it was a fantastic week, with lots of great memories.. :)